Is Your Candidate Hiring Experience Setting you Apart or Holding you Back?

The hiring market is booming and organizations are looking to make a number of critical hires. Although this is convenient for jobseekers, companies are struggling to attract and hire top talent.
To gain a competitive advantage within the hiring market, organizations must take into consideration the qualities that candidates are currently prioritizing. Doing so might make all the difference in hiring the right person for the job.
Salary Range
It is incredibly important for candidates to see a salary range upfront. Unfortunately, it is far too common for this information to be omitted, as only 12% of job postings contain salary ranges. When a salary isn’t clear upfront, candidates will often bypass the role. They feel as if it is a waste of time to go through the application process to only later discover that the salary doesn’t align with their expectations.
Some may argue that including a salary could deter high-quality candidates who are either above or below the range. However, if the salary is aligned with market expectations, you will likely attract high-quality candidates and they will appreciate the transparency upfront.
Upfront Details
While it is important to include a salary range, it is equally important to include specific details about the role and other company benefits within the job description.
Prior to creating the job spec, ask yourself:
- What makes your position interesting to candidates? Are you offering a competitive salary, a diverse and inclusive environment, or the ability to work remotely?
- Providing in-depth information about the responsibilities, qualifications, company culture, unique benefits, and working environment will certainly make the position more appealing.
- Working environments are becoming a particularly significant priority to candidates. If your company offers remote or hybrid options, highlight that information, as it can give your organization a competitive advantage.
The Application Process
Optimizing the candidate experience at every stage of the hiring process is pivotal to securing top talent. When a candidate begins applying to a job and realizes that they must fill out an excessively long application, the chances of them completing the process are quite slim. It has been reported that about 60% of candidates never finish submitting an application, which means that organizations are frequently losing candidates on account of their unstreamlined processes.
Organizations should identify which aspects of their application process are tedious. For example, requiring applicants to fill out the information that is already included on their resume or having them answer irrelevant screening questions will likely deter them from completing the process. Ensure every step is designed to create a streamlined candidate experience by only asking for relevant and necessary information. After all, you will have the chance to ask additional questions during the interview.
Candidates have choices in this market. Those actively pursuing new opportunities are likely applying to and interviewing for several positions. Getting a candidate to remember your organization is more important than ever, and one way to do this is by communicating clear and consistent feedback.
Many interviewers make rapid decisions about a candidate's suitability, but it is common for candidates to go long periods of time without being informed of the next steps or simply not hear back at all!
Specifically, when a candidate gets rejected, the decision is rarely relayed back to them. In fact, approximately 75% of jobseekers have been ghosted after an interview. Regardless of whether a candidate is qualified to move forward, it is critical to provide feedback. This is not only important to candidates, but if it is presented respectfully, it will reflect positively on your wider brand reputation.
Setting Expectations
During the initial interview, clear expectations for the hiring process should be established. This means discussing information about the number of expected interviews and the timeline for when this hire will be made.
If candidates are not aware of the hiring timeline, they will lack confidence in the process and the organization. Unclear expectations and difficult hiring processes will force candidates to pursue other opportunities.
Smooth Process
From the time a candidate applies to the time they receive an offer, it is critical to ensure that they have a positive experience. Since the hiring process is the first glimpse a candidate has into company dynamics, moving quickly and providing clear decisions will leave a good impression. This will make an offer at the end much more appealing and will increase your chances of hiring the right candidate.
Finding the Right Candidate
Candidates have many career opportunities right now. Be transparent, provide feedback, and develop a smooth hiring process. Prioritizing the candidate experience will give your organization a competitive edge that will help attract and hire the best talent.